Forthcoming LP from ElectroMagnetic Orchestra

Here is a preview of the new album by ElectroMagnetic Orchestra, coming soon to Trax In The Snoe. The album was recorded over winter of 2018 and will be available exclusively on the Trax In The Snoe bandcamp this winter/spring.

New compilation by Higher Sense Xpoezure

We kick off 2019 with a new release from Higher Sense Xpoezure. A compilation of previous work that is now available on the Trax In The Snoe bandcamp.

The first half of the new release is the “Soundtrack To An Existence” EP, which was created in 2011. The second half are selected unreleased Higher Sense Xpoezure Tracks. Available all together in one release titled “XISTENZ”. See the releases page for more information.

What is Trax in the snoe?

Trax in the snoe began as the bandcamp for the dungeon crawler project, as I worked on more variety of content to be published I wanted to expand the bandcamp beyond dungeon crawler and encompass the other projects while retaining creative control over this work. and so, the dc bandcamp merged into trax in the snoe ,a distribution platform for various creative projects I have been working on and wish to share, bringing them all together in one place and being made available for free. In addition to the website, bandcamp, youtube, soundcloud and facebook pages have all been created to bring this project together.

Stay tuned! lot’s of things to come in 2019.